Posts Tagged ‘Broomall Wellness’
Welcome to Broomall Total Health Center's Broomall Wellness Archive. Here you can learn more about Broomall Total Health Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Marc Belitsky, today's choice for Chiropractors in Broomall, PA. Read Dr. Marc Belitsky's Chiropractic Broomall Wellness for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 610-353-2220.
by Dr. Marc Belitsky | Jul 31, 2012 | Health Articles

When you are ready to start a new exercise regimen there are always plenty of new-fangled machines to help you get started and to make your exercise easier. The strange machines, contraptions and weird exercise routines promise to make your exercise easier and with faster results. To the person that loves a new gadget or ...
by Dr. Marc Belitsky | Jun 14, 2012 | Health Articles

A Chiropractic-based research project is being used to study the effectiveness of Chiropractic care and it’s relation to the general health status of patients.
Data was collected from 311 patients for the project using the RAND Health Survey and a global well-being scale. X-rays of pre-adjustment and post-adjustment were also reviewed for the study.
Participants in the ...
by Dr. Marc Belitsky | Apr 26, 2012 | Health Articles

However you choose to ride around on two wheels: on-road, off-road, for fun or competitively - the bike you choose to do it has to be fit not just to those needs, but also to your body. You wouldn’t enter a Tour de France on a Big Wheel, and neither should you ignore the finer ...
by Dr. Marc Belitsky | May 12, 2011 | Health Articles

A Chiropractic-based research project is being used to study the effectiveness of Chiropractic care and it’s relation to the general health status of patients.
Data was collected from 311 patients for the project using the RAND Health Survey and a global well-being scale. X-rays of pre-adjustment and post-adjustment were also reviewed for the study.
Participants in the ...