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Posts Tagged ‘Low Back Pain Broomall PA’

Welcome to Broomall Total Health Center's Low Back Pain Broomall PA Archive. Here you can learn more about Broomall Total Health Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Marc Belitsky, today's choice for Chiropractors in Broomall, PA. Read Dr. Marc Belitsky's Chiropractic Low Back Pain Broomall PA for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 610-353-2220.

Prevent Injuries this Winter Season

Injury Prevention Broomall PA

Let the games begin!  The winter season of sports and activities has begun.  Whether you are a novice or a pro please take precautions to prevent injuries this winter. Winter Fun Safely Snow, ice, and cold weather are part of the seasonal fun but  can create a different set of problems besides slips and falls.  Those who ...


The Slam Dunk on Avoiding Back Pain

Broomall PA Low Back Pain

Basketball season is about to begin!  Whether we play professionally, for a school team, or for a league on Sunday, one on point game plan should be to invest in the proper shoes to avoid future injuries and unnecessary pain. Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing athletic shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes ...


Simple Mathematics to Eliminate Back Pain

Back Pain Relief Broomall PA

You do not have to be a great scientist like our favorite characters in The Big Bang Theory to view our world with the simple applications such as the laws of mathematics and physics.  We know simply that every action has a reaction and our world prefers to be balanced.  We solve life's equations for ...


Core Strength to Reduce Low Back Pain

Broomall PA Exercise for Low Back Pain

How often have you heard that the best way to prevent lower back pain is to develop strong core abdominal muscles? Chances are you've even embarked upon your own crash course in "core strengthening" in order to minimize your struggles with back pain. Although the term core strengthening is now fairly universal, what's not so clear ...


Not In Vogue – Low Back Pain

Broomall PA Low Back Pain

Red carpets and fashion runways are a designers dream come to life.  For the fashion savvy we watch in awe and try to duplicate in our own lives.  One accessory without fail that arrives each season is the undeniably loved high heel. We love to wear them and can even convince ourselves that they are comfortable ...


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